Creativity fuels the body, mind and soul. During this unprecedented time of shelter in place, stay at home orders and mandatory social distancing due to COVID-19, creativity may feel impossible. Yet, creativity is one of the most important characteristics of being human. It is one of the main traits that make us successful as individuals and as a species. How can we maintain our creativity through this time? The following are practical tips for maintaining and even stimulating creativity during times of isolation or little social contact.
Draw, Paint, Color
Visual art has been scientifically proven to improve one’s physical and mental well-being. The act of creating art, whether that be rock art, watercolor painting or scrapbooking , helps to allow us to express emotions we may not even realize we are having. For example, many people across the world are suffering from forms of anxiety as they sit inside their homes and purposely stay away from those they love. This is a completely normal feeling, yet people may not realize this is what’s happening. If you sit down to draw, paint or color, that anxiety will pour out onto the paper. Reducing your anxiety helps improve your overall quality of life and self-regulation. Art can be a constructive way to express your emotions without words, while processing complex feelings and finding relief.
Use your Hands
Oftentimes when mothers are home with their young children, another time of semi-isolation that is little talked about, they lose their sense of creativity. Not only that, they are dealing with a child or children who will say “I’m bored,” to which the mother may respond: “go put your hands in the dirt.” This saying means, go make something, plant something, or get your hands dirty! It is actually scientifically proven that the more you get your hands dirty outside, the healthier you will be.
If gardening is your creative outlet of choice, you’ll get double the benefits: a creativity boost as well as the feeling of “self-sufficiency” gardening provides. The very act of planting seeds, means you will have something (food or flower) to admire shortly. If you are planting food like vegetables and fruits, you’ll even be able to consume that beauty! This self-rewarding principle of gardening is what causes people to come back to it time and time again.
Engage in hands-on activities to find new modes of expression and tension relief. If drawing, coloring and painting aren’t your cup-of-tea, experiment with other activities like knitting, embroidery or pottery. Continue to check back for more blogs on how to inspire your own creativity, no matter what your circumstances!
Bricole Reincke’s enjoys gardening orchids and tomatoes at her home in Southwest Ranches. Bricole’s backyard chickens are hoping the tomato will be thrown in their chicken run!